Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Keagan is a 16-year-old male. He is a high school senior and is youngest in his class. He enjoys playing chess and computer games, such as Age of Empires and StarCraft. When he is not going to school or playing video games, Keagan swims at the public indoor pool. Over the summer he is a lifeguard there and has his certification in water safety, so he can teach little kids to swim. Keagan plans to go to college in the fall and study aerospace engineering. When asked if he could go anywhere in the world where would he go, he replied: the moon.

Janne, is a 20 year old female struggling with her sexuality. In high school she was the captain of her volleyball team. She never dated anyone till she moved away from home after her senior year. Janne never had friends that were girls besides those on her volleyball team. She mainly hung out with the boys. As a young child she preferred to be outside playing in the mud rather than inside playing with dolls. She has never been stylish and usually buys her clothes from Finishline. The last time she was in a dress was prom and her mom forced her into it. Today she studies to become a large animal veterinarian and work with horses.

Philipo, is a 35 year old male who works on Wall Street. Over the years he has become quite wealthy. With his extra money that he doesn’t invest, Philipo buys vintage action figures and G.I. Joes. He currently has no wife, but is dating a smart 23-year-old female studying linguistics. They met at a vintage dolls convention and have been together for two years. Philipo plans to ask her to marry him soon. Currently they live together in a luxurious studio apartment. He rides a 2011 Honda CBR and drops her off every morning to her classes before he go to work. In the evenings they attend yoga together at a gym two blocks from their apartment.

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